Have you ever watched a really cool YouTube video and thought, 'I should make a movie.' A lot of people have. Just watching and actually filming a video aren't quite the same, however, There are lots of things to consider, such as what type of equipment you want to use, how to edit a video, and how to add music. A good place to start is with a video template, which will set the tone for everything else.

What is a video template?

Sometimes you get a spark of creativity, and you know you have to follow it. The problem comes in when all you have is the barest of ideas, however. While it's enough to inspire you, it's not enough to help you make a video.

That's where the video template comes in. Essentially, it's a video that is already premade. It's designed to give you an idea, and help take some of the stress out of making a video like deciding what type of music you'll use, any sound effects, animations, voiceovers, and anything else that makes a video worth watching.

Since it's premade, you don't have to worry about coming up with all the ideas yourself. Instead, you choose from a wide variety of templates, and look for something that feels like you. Once you find the template of your dreams, you go about editing to make it your own.

How to edit a video template

There are a few things you need for your typical video. This can include the intro, where you tell everyone what you'll be discussing, trying to sell, or give a hint about what the story is. On the flip side, the outro is where you tie everything together.

The middle is where you typically get everyone's attention. In our video templates, there are placeholders set to show where you can place your own photos, videos, or music. There's no point in using a video template if you aren't going to put your own spin on it, after all.

Why you should use a video template

If you're a tech wizard who's been spinning out videos since you were a small child, then video templates may not be for you. It's easy enough for you to hop on your laptop, and get to work. For others who aren't used to making videos, or know how but don't have the time, then video templates are a great way to go.

Depending on what industry you are in, using a video template just makes things easier. You can find something that is related to your industry, and then add in your materials. The right software will make doing this a fluid process, which takes some of the stress out of making a video.

But why exactly should you bother with videos? It's simple really. Even older generations are becoming more tech-savvy, and are turning to social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Twitter. A video is a great way to get their attention. Rather than having to scroll through lines of text, they can watch a quick video and have all their questions answered.

In other words, it helps you reach a larger audience more quickly. If your video is entertaining enough, they may even share it with their friends.


While filming a video can be stressful, especially if you've never done it before, a video template is designed to make the process much more streamlined. It will also open more doors for your business, and help you reach people who never would have heard of you otherwise. VideoStudio can help do that by giving you professional results without the drama of complicated software.

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